Nothing to see here. Move along!

Ah, no, it's not that bad. It's just that nothing too exiting happened the last week(s). Okay, GSoC ended, I got my shirt, semester started, I created a new gpg key, my university annoyed me to death with the introduction of TuCaN('t), a great UDS happened, lots of talking, the DPL signed my new key while Michael can't, people nag me even harder to become DM eventually, I have still not started a key-transition, fixed a bunch of bugs, reading over the list of open bugs to close a few, started to work on some very funky very secret features in a not-yet pushed apt-next branch, my university annoyed me even more, exercises I have to do (but don't want) accumulate, working in various degrees on some young-group leader tasks, emails floating in and being answered maybe and all that stuff…

So, I am not death (jeppy!) just currently not motivated to write anything on my digital toilet walls - but if you want to change it, feel free to flattr me! (SCNR - but reading these kind of threads can be really interesting - and no, I don't have a flattr account, but I am not on the planet either :))

Anyway, you now know that everything is fine with and for me (mostly) , so no need to stand around here! Move along and fix a bug (or two) - or find another useful thing to do - instead! I guess we will read us soon again. 🙂