Hello world!

Excerpt from the list of accepted student proposals for GSoC 2010 with my name included

The Internet is strange. It is full of websites and some even include lists. Lists full of names for example like this one shown above.

And my name is included. My name included on such a long list. My name included on the (long) list of accepted students for GSoC 2010.

I have looked for a while now at that list on my laptop screen. I see my name. I have read my name. Others have told me that my name is written there.

I know that I should be happy now. I am chosen! Just, it doesn't feel like this. It is more like as I read that an unknown stranger from across the street was accepted. Good for him, but it doesn't touch me much, as I am not him…

I was in the same situation a week ago. I had posted a little introduction to soc-coordination and was a few hours later a bit shocked by the responses this email generated and instantly thought: "Do they really mean me?"

And while thinking about it I am lately in this situation quite often. The first time was definitely at the time Michael has spotted my apt branch on launchpad. A short while after that my name was the first time included in the apt changelog. After a few more contributions an invitation to the UDS-L and the upcoming UDS-M followed. And now the whole "Google Summer of Code"-thing…

I hope for this stranger that he hasn't opened Pandora's box by applying for an APT project at Debian as APT needs a lot of love in general and he received quite a bit of premature praise already so he will have a hard time to fulfill all expectations in the upcoming weeks… I at least wish him good luck!

I guess I will need a few hours days to realize that the stranger from across the street is actually me, so try to be kind to me in the next days and help me as much as you can with my first task: "Community bounding" 🙂

( I will follow-up with a better introduction of me and my proposal - I just needed to write this down before… )