Data protection

Me at UDS Oakland, California in 2012
David Kalnischkies
Ringstraße 8
65346 Eltville-Erbach
Tel: +49 (0) 6123 62168

(in the following "we") is the operator of this website and responsible for the handling of personal information by all visitors of the website (in the following: "you") as outlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In summary: The protection of your data is important for us. You can expect from us that we handle your data sensibly, with care and use a high standard on data protection. In the following paragraphs we will outline this in far more detail.

Which personal data is collected?

Personal data is data by which a person can be identified. We collect only personal data you willingly provide to us.


This website doesn't provide an automatic comment section. If you want to comment on this website you can contact us by mail. You can provide name, e-mail address, your homepage address and/or further data to be published alongside your comment, but you don't have to and your comment can be published anonymisely.

Newsletter and circular e-mails

In case you have subscribed to a newsletter or where added to a circular e-mail distribution your e-mail address is stored to provide the service of e-mail distribution. Other recipents of the sent e-mails can not query if you are subscribed or with which address. You can unsubscribe at any time: Either fully automatic via the "Unsubscribe" functionality of your mail client or you can contact us directly. In case you sent a mail to the lists yourself each recipent get send your mail with all data you have included within. Mails send via the lists are stored and can be queried by all subscribed recipents or until they are eventually manually deleted. We do not provide a public archive of the mails.


Pictures of persons are either published with explicit confirmation of the person or the picture was taken in public and the exceptions of the Kunsturhebergesetz like public or organizer interests overrule the rights on ones own image. We are happy to comply to any request before a public event to not take pictures of you, just contact us about it. You have of course also the right to counter the publication in hindsight.

Access protocols

All access to the website are protocolled by our webhoster (Uberspace) in NCSA Format. This protocol contains the time and date of the request, the shortend (and hence anonymised) IP address of the requester, the used HTTP method and version, the requested URL, the HTTP response code, the count of delivered bytes and potentially the referrer (that is the URL of the page which referenced the page you visited in this request – depending on your webbrowser settings this information is shortend or entirely reducted) and the user agent (this is usually an information about the webbrowser and operation system used containing versions of each, but most browsers allow to modify this in their settings). This data will be analysed by an automatic software process to create statistics for the website operator. These statistics are used to continue and potentially enhance the service. The data itself nor the statistics are publically available, aren't combined with data from other sources and not handed to third parties. The data is usually stored for two weeks. The combined statistics about which sites are visited from where, when and how often are stored without an explicit limit as this is the only way to reason about the long term development of the service. Please also refer to the data protection information of our webhoster Uberspace.

No external service providers (like Google Analytics) are used to create the statistics. A Content-Delivery-Network like Cloudflare is also not used.

The DNS service is provided by Ackermann EDV. For the domain name resolution an IP of the requester is required, but it is usually only given to the first nameserver in the chain usually provided to you by your internet service provider. Please refer to your internet service provider for further details on this.


E-Mails to us will be handled by the mailserver of our hosting provider Uberspace. We have no influence over the flow of your mail through the network until it reachs us. On the systems of our hosting provider an automatic check to identify spam via SpamAssassin is used. Mails contain beside the content itself various data pieces like your e-mail address for technical reasons and are hence comparable to a postcard. We are happy to recieve encrypted mails, more information about this can be found under contacts. Mails will usually removed from the server of your hosting provider after processing by us and only stored on our own hardware for further processing and retention. There is usually no limit on the time of storage if not agreed upon otherwise, but we do not guarantee to keep forever either. We do not distribute your mails in whole or in part to a third-party if you haven't done that yourself already (e.g. by sending it to a mailinglist).

Embedding of external services and content

We do not embed pictures, videos or related content from third parties nor any buttons of so-called social networks.

Links to websites of third parties

As outlined already in the Imprint this website contains links to the websites of third parties. We (unfortunately) have no influence how these third parties will handle your data. Feel free to refer to the section about access protocols here to get an idea about what data can be included in this.

Cookies and "locale storage"

This website does not use cookies.

Representation in social media

As noted in the contact information we do not operate any presents in so-called social media instances and therefore do not collect, handle or distribute any data to, in, by or from them.

Publically accessible personal data

This website can contain personal data, the Imprint is mentioned here as an example, e.g to comply with the law. The use of this data by any third party to send unrequested advertisements or any other sort of information material is explicitly forbidden! The website operator retains the right to take legal messures if this is ignored or violated. We also explicitly fobid the automatic extraction of any personal data to create profiles on third party sites. Some parts of this website are explicitly mentioned in "robots.txt" or have "robots" metadata attached requesting to not index these parts. Operators of automatic extraction or analysing tools are requested to follow these!

Dataexchange with third parties

Inhalte auf dieser Webseite sind öffentlich zugänglich und werden insofern "weitergegeben". Insofern wir Daten von Ihnen zur Veröffentlichung erhalten (z.B. Kommentare) werden diese unter Angabe ihrer angegebenen Daten veröffentlicht worauf Sie wie weiter oben erwähnt direkten Einfluss haben.

Excluded this exception we do not hand personal data to third parties with one further exception: We are required to do so by law e.g. to assist in criminal prosecution.


Encrypted Datatransfer of the website

If possible this website uses the HTTPS protocol to communicate between the webserver and your browser (different browsers us different icons to notice you about this, but usually it is a little lock). The certificate used is provided by Let's Encrypt and is valid for all domains and subdomains of this website.

Acces to data

If not otherwise defined in previous sections all data will be processed in and stored on hardware located in Germany. Data will be transferred encrypted and if possible stored encrypted.

In any case is personal data only accessible by entitled personal and only to the extend it is needed.

Your rights

The General Data Protection Regulation defines especially in article 6 (1) b) and f) why we collect data and why we can. But the GDPR provides you also with farreaching rights: You can at any time contact us and request information, correction, deletion or limitation of processing of any data stored about you. You have also the right to request the transfer your data elsewhere and you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority about us. Please contact us – if you prefer informally – to exercise your rights.

Changes to this data protection guideline

We reserve the right to change this data protection guideline at any time without prior announcement and to immediate effect. The current version can be found under this address, which you should refer to regularily to stay informed. Note that the german version of this document is the legally binding version and this english translation is only provided on a best effort basis for information.